As CHOC and other healthcare facilities adapt to the fluid environment created by the COVID-19 pandemic, and recommendations and guidelines change, you may notice some changes the next time you visit the doctor’s office.
20-second songs to sing while you wash your hands
Here’s a list of 20-second snippets of older kids’ and grown-ups’ favorite songs to sing while you wash your hands, from a CHOC Children’s music therapist.
8 ways to protect children with diabetes from COVID-19
For children with diabetes, there is no evidence the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) will be any different than most other viral respiratory illnesses.
9 ways to protect immunocompromised children from COVID-19
CHOC experts offer recommendations for steps parents can take to help protect their immunocompromised children from COVID-19.
7 Ways to Help Kids Cope with Coronavirus (COVID-19) Anxiety
Get a CHOC Children’s pediatric psychologist’s tips to help children cope with anxiety about Coronairus (COVID-19).
Eat right, “bite by bite”
A CHOC Children’s clinical dietitian offers tips to help parents and families focus on making positive choices in their diets.